Energía más inteligente para un mundo mejor
¿Está en el camino hacia el éxito?
Los expertos en energía están aquí para ayudarle
E&C le ayuda a realizar una transición más inteligente hacia un mundo mejor aplicando prácticas sólidas de adquisición de energía a su transición energética corporativa: análisis estratégico inteligente, mejor respaldado por datos, asesoramiento más objetivo sobre las opciones contractuales y gestión inteligente de los riesgos.
Los servicios de consultoría energética de E&C
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Necesidades globales

Una estrategia energética global le permite adoptar una perspectiva global de la energía y no limitarse a un enfoque centrado en un país. E&C tiene una amplia presencia internacional. Nuestra consultoría ofrece tanto capacidades globales como experiencia local. Nuestro equipo centralizado de back-office y gestión garantiza un enfoque integrado, mientras que nuestro diverso equipo de consultores asegura la debida consideración de las condiciones del mercado local.
What people are saying about E&C
“Together with E&C, we are gradually improving our maturity in Energy Procurement across Bombardier (Aerospace and Transportation). They support us in optimizing our energy procurement step by step. Having started with only one location, we are now collaborating in 8 countries in Europe and North America and there is more to look forward to.”
Özgür Oklap, Global Category Lead at Bombardier
“E&C succeeded in negotiating a contract without any volume requirements - an essential condition due to the volatile business we’re in. Their tendering, combined with their accurate follow-up of the energy markets, resulted in an average hedged electricity price that was 15% below that of last year.”
Ludo Heylen, Purchasing Manager at Lantmännen Unibake Benelux
“E&C realized that our passive approach to energy payments was costing us money. By analyzing our invoices and discussing with engineers, they found out that our capacitors were being set up on the wrong connection points. This realization saved us 60,000 euro per year.”
Client active in food manufacturing
“E&C created a tailor-made executive summary that combined all of our hedging and financial controlling activities. It gave us an overview of the portfolio situation for electricity, gas and injections, and provided a detailed breakdown of the cost per month for several of our sites. The file is updated each month to show the cost evolution and compare it with the previous year as well as with our internal targets. This makes following-up easy and and ensures effective decision-making.”
Joris Meerschaert, Purchase Manager at Unilin
“Pre-financial crisis, energy markets were soaring, increasing daily - and positions were purchased in panic at high prices. We recognized that no one can predict the behaviour of the markets - engaging E&C helped us develop a buying strategy and we gained control over our energy cost and risk exposure.”
Daniel Wade, Purchasing Manager at Federal Mogul
“Thanks to E&C, our P&L is no longer affected by unexpected energy budget increases like we saw in 2008”
Company active in tourism industry
“E&C has been a great partner in our effort to switch away from a decentralized, fragmented approach for Utilities to a Strategic Centralised approach for 10 mature markets. We now have full visibility in our consumption on the SharePoint and are able to make much more informative decisions for the purchases. Moreover we are able to efficiently plan ahead for years to come and achieve better budget stability.”
Marinela Paida, Group Strategic Procurement Manager at Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company